David’s Success
After David killed the giant he was appointed to a high position in the army. He led God’s people in victory over the idolatrous nations which tried to conquer them. God prepared the way so that he was able to take his place as king. For forty years he reigned by God’s power. He destroyed idols and organized the worship of the one true God. He established the city of Jerusalem as the Holy City, where the name of God was honored. Faithful people came in throngs to worship there. They performed the pilgrimage to the Holy City.
In all his victories David continually gave God the credit for success. He praised and thanked God in the strong and graceful words which have come to us in the Book of the Psalms of David.
“All the nations surrounded me,” David declared in one of his psalms, “but in the name of the Lord I cut them off. They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the Lord I cut them off. I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.”
“I will exalt you, my Lord,” said David in his words of poetry, “I will praise your name for ever. Every day I will praise you. How good it is to sing praises to our Lord. Give thanks to God, sing praise to Him, tell of all of His wonderful acts.”
Few human beings have ever expressed love and devotion to God so fully and so beautifully in words as David did. He had a close relationship with God and a deep understanding of the nature of 8 God. When we feel a need for more personal knowledge of God, we can learn much from the psalms of David. When our hearts yearn to draw near to God and know His truth, and understand His revelation, we should read and ponder the precious words of David.
For You To Do
Memorize these words from a psalm of David.
You may wish to repeat them in a personal way as a prayer of your own to God. David-He Repented and Was Forgiven Teach me your way, 0 Lord, and I will walk in your truth. I will praise you, my Lord, with all my heart.