Ministry Resources

Wherever You Are

Searching for Answers to Life's Toughest Questions

Life can be hard. We all face challenges and trials, but finding answers can be frustrating. Don’t lose hope. There is an answer. We’ll help you find it.


My Journey

Abandoned No More

Abandoned by his birth parents, this young man bounced between several foster homes in New York. He was uncertain of who he was or where he…

Read My Story

The Building Blocks of Worship

The seventh chapter of Luke paints one of the most beautiful pictures of worship and…


Proclamation and Praise

Hebrews 2:12 and the Role of Christ in Worship Jesus Christ in His incarnation was “made…


How can I be sure my salvation is once and for all?

If the author of Hebrews did not believe in eternal security, we can only assume that he…


Part 2: Pretty Lies

“Hello, my name’s Mindy Patterson.” “I’m Crystal Jeffrey. My…


Part 1: Pretty Lies

‘Jazzy, you look hot! And I love your hair!” Narissa tapped her friend’s arm.…


Coping With the Death of Someone You Know

Just last night, in our town, a young teen boy died in a boating accident on a local lake.…

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