Redefining Beauty and Purpose
A fire and a passion burns deep in her soul.
She knows there is something more. She sets out to re-define the modern woman by evoking authenticity, creativity, originality, and service.
She is interesting and interested. Her inner beauty can spark even that of a stranger’s curiosity. She does not fear vulnerability – for she knows this is the key to knowing and being known. There is a peace and a joy about her. She is not concerned with balance, she is focused on faithfulness, perseverance, and love. She knows that influence happens apart from manipulations and confidence without control. She is quick to forgive and slow to blame. She validates, innovates, and collaborates to build a strong family, stronger community, and a brighter future. She has an unmatched style of virtue and wit. She never compares. She understands the power of her royal blood and walks in the confidence of her wholeness and perfection. She is brave, standing for truth and justice. Her fierce love can overcome any obstacle. She will not back down from defending the helpless and oppressed. She is driven by hope, and a life of meaning. She embodies Christ.