Love Again
September 30, 2018
Bulletin Points:
1. How I love my enemies?
2. Why I love my enemies?
Questions for Kingdom Group Discussion:
1. Do you have people who do not like you? People who are plotting evil against you? Who are they? What did they do to you?
2. Read Luke 6:27-38. Who is Jesus speaking to? What did He say? Are His words easy to accept? Reasonable? Realistic? Why?
3.It is obvious that Jesus was clearly indicating that what He was about to say would be difficult to accept. However, we all have enemies. This is the reality of life! How do you normally respond to your enemies, to those who treat you harshly and unfairly?
4. Read Matt. 5:43-48. How does the world treat their enemies? How should followers of Christ respond to their enemies? With what kind of love are we to love?
5. The love of which Jesus spoke is a particular kind of love. It is agape, the love of God. Someone once called it “the God-kind of love.” It is the love that you receive from God and give out to others. It is the love empowered by God. It is not emotion, though it may involve emotion. It is love in action. Read John 3:16. How does this love look like? What are the characteristics of this love?
6. Read Luke 6:35 and Matt. 5:48. What’s our greatest reason for loving our enemies?
7. You are never more like Jesus than when you love someone who does not deserve it. Jesus sets up three practical ways of loving our enemies in Luke 6:27-28. What are they?
8. Give examples of doing good to your enemies. How about examples of blessing your enemies?
9. What are the two outcomes of praying for your enemies? How does this kind of prayer impact you? How does it impact your enemies?
10. How would you want God to treat you or do for you when you don’t deserve Him? When you have wronged God? Write them down, then share with the group. This is the same way and the same thing you are to do for your enemies when they do not deserve your love.
11. Write the names of those you are choosing to forgive and willing to love here.