You’ve Begun a New Life
What happens when a caterpillar becomes a butterfly? How does a seed become a great tree? Natural life is at work in each one, and it produces an amazing change. Now that you are a Christian, spiritual life is at work in you. The change will be much greater than what happens to a caterpillar or a seed. God will make you like Jesus Christ, His Son!
Like the butterfly, you will soar above the ground on wings. You will no longer drag yourself along through life, bound to the earth. Like the tree, you will grow strong and fruitful. All this will happen because you have been born into God’s family. You are now His child in a very special way.
In this first lesson you will examine what the Bible says about the change that has happened to you. You will learn about your new privileges and responsibilities. You will discover the new family into which you have been born. And you will find out about the new relationships that God wants you to build with your brothers and sisters in the Lord.
In this lesson you will study . . .
- What Happened?
- What Must You Do About It?
- Your New Family
This lesson will help you to . . .
- Discover what the Bible says about the change that has taken place in
- Explain what you must do in order to grow strong as a
- Describe the new relationships you have as a child of God.
Objective 1. Identify descriptions of the new life you have as a child of God.
The minute you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you began a new life. He is the giver of life—wonderful, rich, and joyful life that never ends. You gave your life with all of its sins and failures to Him, and He gave you His life of victory over sin. You have begun a life full of glorious privileges as a child of God.
Objective 2. State how you can continue to live the new life God has given you.
As a newborn baby in God’s family, you will enjoy His loving care. You must also accept the provisions that He made to keep you healthy and strong. He has given you a new nature, and now you must do your part to develop it.
This book will help you develop your new nature. As you study these lessons, you will learn about your new privileges and responsibilities as a child of God. Enjoy them to the full during your life on earth. Then, someday Jesus will take you to live with Him in His heavenly home, a home that will be a thousand times more wonderful than anything in this world.
The main thing you must do is to remain in union with Christ and grow strong in the life He gives.
John 15:4-5. “Remain united to me, and I will remain united to you . . . for you can do nothing without me.”
Colossians 2:6-7. Since you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, live in union with him. Keep your roots deep in him, build your lives on him, and become stronger in your faith, as you were taught. And be filled with thanksgiving.
Objective 3. Describe the new family you have when you become a child of God.
God, Your Father
The Almighty God, who created the universe, is now your loving Father. Don’t think of Him as being stern and far away. He is at your side right now, eager to help you in all your problems.
Now that you are a child of God, your Father wants you to talk with Him frankly and confidently, just as a child does to a kind and understanding father. Talk things over with Him in prayer every day, at any time of the day or night. Tell Him all your problems. Thank Him for His blessings. He is interested in you and everything that affects you. You don’t have to use beautiful words or memorized prayers; just tell Him whatever is in your heart.
The Holy Spirit, Your Helper
The Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, is the one who performed in you the mysterious miracle of the new birth. He changed your sinful nature and made you a child of God.
You will still have to fight against the old nature at times, but the Holy Spirit has come to live in your heart and help you. As you cooperate with Him in faith and obedience, He will teach you what to do and give you strength to do it.
Other Christians, Your Brothers and Sisters
Every true Christian who has been born again is a child of God. Since God is our Father, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.
The older Christians all welcome you, their new brother or sister, into the family of God. They want to do everything they can to help you grow spiritually and become a strong, healthy Christian.
When you have a problem, talk it over with the pastor and your older brothers or sisters in the church. They will pray with you about it and do whatever they can to help you.