Ministry Resources

John’s Gospel

This course is about Jesus Christ, who was born more than 2,000 years ago. Why should you study it? How can it affect your life? How can these lessons help you? Whatever your belief may be, you owe it to yourself to know something about Jesus—His life, His teachings, and His claims. Series written by Rex Jackson.

John 9-10

Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind

Read John 9:1–12. The disciples thought that all sickness was a punishment for sin. But why should a man be born blind? It could not be because of his sin. He was born blind before he could do any wrong. Would it be because of the parents’ sin? That was the disciples’ thinking.

Jesus said that sickness and suffering are not always the result of a person’s sin. Many sicknesses come from natural causes and have nothing to do with sin and punishment. This man’s blindness would be an opportunity for Jesus to heal the man. After that, it was up to the healed man to believe in the Lord. Others would see God’s power and believe on Jesus.

Sometimes we cannot understand why we suffer. We try to correct any natural causes of sickness and take care of our health, but still we and our children suffer from accidents and disease. We do not know all the reasons why we get sick or why certain circumstances makes us suffer. Sometimes,
suffering or sickness may be the result of wrong choices. To search our hearts is the advice of God’s Word. However, we can be certain that we may go to the Lord in prayer for help or healing. He will never reject us.

Pharisees Investigate the Healing

Read John 9:13–34. Jesus’ enemies were angry because He had healed the blind man on the Sabbath. They were not happy because the blind man had been healed. They tried to convince him that Jesus was a sinner and finally threw the healed man out of the synagogue (their church).

The man who had been healed set a good example for us. He showed more wisdom, focus, and insight in God’s purposes than Jesus’ accusers. His arguments could not convince these religious leaders that Jesus had come from God, but he could tell what Jesus had done for him. So can we. Read the man’s proclamation in John 9:25: “‘One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!’”

Spiritual Blindness

Read John 9:35–41. It was a serious thing to be put out of the synagogue, almost like being declared dead. At first it would seem like a contradiction. Jesus had healed him, but that joy did not seem to last when he was unfairly rebuked and pushed aside by the religious leaders. Then Jesus went to find the man to encourage him. He let the man know that He was the Savior. The man believed and worshipped Jesus.

Jesus spoke about spiritual blindness. The Pharisees were to blame for their spiritual blindness because they refused to accept the truth that Jesus taught. But the blind beggar believed in Jesus and was both healed and saved from his sins.

When we believe in Jesus, the spiritual blindness is removed from our hearts. Further understanding and spiritual growth takes place as we study the Bible and pray. Psalm 119:18 says, “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”

The Parable of the Sheepfold

Read John 10:1–10. A parable is a short story that uses natural things to explain spiritual truths. In this passage Jesus spoke of himself as the door or gate to the sheepfold. In Bible lands, a shepherd kept his sheep in a fenced corral or compound at night to protect them from wild animals. This was the sheepfold. After all the sheep were safely inside, the shepherd sat down in the open door and protected the sheep.

Thieves would not try to enter by the door but would climb over the fence to steal sheep. Jesus said that some religious leaders were like that. They did not really love the people but only wanted to get what they could from them.

Jesus did not come to destroy but to give life in all its fullness. The life Jesus gives is inward in nature and divine in origin. This life never had been offered or experienced before. It is available on earth and will continue eternally in heaven.

Jesus proclaimed of himself, “I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” (John 10:7–9 KJV)

Some people try to get to God through prophets, through saints, through Mary, or through joining a church. But Jesus is the only way, the only door to salvation.

Jesus said that a person had to come in. Just like the door was open for the sheep, Jesus invites everyone to come to Him and have eternal life. But God will not force anyone to come to Jesus. All people must choose of their own free will. Those who come into Jesus’ sheepfold will be saved. If a person does not enter, that individual will not be saved because he or she has rejected Jesus’ invitation. It is as simple as that.

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Read John 10:11–21. In Bible days a shepherd always walked in front of his sheep, calling them as he went. All the sheep knew his voice, and they followed him. When another shepherd came near with his sheep, the first man’s sheep would not follow the second man because they knew the voice of their own shepherd.

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who watches over His sheep and feeds them. His sheep are all those who believe in Him and follow Him. Jesus said that He would give His life for His sheep. He would do this by His own choice; no one could take His life from Him. At that time certain people were trying to kill Him. There would come a day when He would be crucified nailed to a cross and left there to die.

When the time came for Him to die, He would pay on the cross the price for sin—your sin and mine, even before we were born. But He knew that death would not be the end for Him. Jesus said, “‘The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again’” (vv. 17–18). Jesus would come back to life and prove His power over death. His resurrection would prove that He is truly the Son of God.

Once again some people were angry at His words, but others believed. Those who did not believe were not His sheep, for His sheep would hear His voice.

Jesus Rejected By His Own

Read John 10:22–42. Some of the people wanted to kill Jesus because He said that He was the Son of God (v. 36) and gave eternal life to His followers (v. 28). Others accepted Him as their Good Shepherd and followed Him. Each of us has to make a choice about Jesus—a choice that has eternal consequences.

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