You Can Know Perfect Love
Author: The Journey Online TeamOur world is filled with people who are searching for love.
It begins at birth. A baby longs for the loving touch of a mother and father. As we grow older, our desire for love grows right along with us.
By the time we are in school, many people hope for the love of a boyfriend or girlfriend. We dream that we will find love and the acceptance that goes with it. Often, we are disappointed because promises of love are easily made and broken.
A life without love is colorless. We cannot find satisfaction without peace. We long so much for love that we may compromise, lower our standards, behave badly just to hear those words: “I love you.”
Often times when we do “whatever it takes” to love, we are left feeling distant, abandoned and betrayed. It is not hard to understand. If we offer our love cheaply, the person who took it will never value us as they should.
When we have loved only to feel the pain of betrayal, the sense of loss can be overwhelming. We may even begin to hate ourselves for allowing such pain in our lives. Conditional love always comes with a big price tag, our self-worth.
If you have felt the pain of conditional love, you know the flood of feelings that follow. You know that the world appears harsh and cruel. It is like everyone hurt you, not just the person who betrayed your love. You lose your ability to trust. You become hard inside because the feelings are so difficult to handle.
There is someone who will never betray you, someone who loves freely, perfectly. His name is Jesus Christ. He knows the pain of betrayal personally. He came to the world to love all of us, but we returned His love by sending Him to the Cross.
Jesus loves us still! So much so, that he not only died on that cross, but He arose again three days later. When He did, He sealed a promise that He would never leave us or forsake us! His love is unconditional!
How can you receive His love? It is simple. Cry out to Jesus in a prayer.
“Dear Jesus, please forgive me for the wrong things I have done. I ask You to change me and make me whole. Thank You for your love. I need Your help to love again because the pain in my heart is so deep. Please heal me. I choose to live for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
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