Greater Than
February 10, 2019
Bulletin Points:
- The process of perfected humility is Jesus
- The process of perfect elevation is through Jesus
Questions for Kingdom Group Discussion:
- Who do you admire because they truly put the interests of others ahead of their own interests?
- Read Philippians 2:1-11. What do you think is the main theme from this passage? How does it reflect Christ’s example of humility?
- What do you think it was like for Jesus to leave heaven and become human?
- What does it mean to consider someone better than yourself? How does humility differ from being a doormat?
- Rick Warren once said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” What do you think that means?
- What is the difference between false humility and true humility? Is there a difference between false humility and pride? How does God lead us to true humility?