Ministry Resources

A Study of Revelation

Exie Barber grew up in an Assemblies of God pastor's home. The Kansas District Council of the Assemblies of God Ordained him in 1978. Currently, he serves as senior pastor at the Assembly of God in Ellsworth, Kansas and writes for the adult Radiant Life curriculum. He served as an adjunct faculty member for Global University. He earned his B. A. in Christian Education from Southwestern Assemblies of God College in 1987 and his M.A. in Christian Education from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.

Peace on Earth – Revelation 20:1-6

Many people have looked at the misery in the world around us and stated, “I cannot believe in a God of love who would allow such tragedy and sorrow.” What they fail to understand is that tragedy and sorrow was not the design, or goal, of the creator. In the beginning, God created a world of perfect peace and harmony with no sickness or pain (Genesis 1 & 2). Calamities, deformities in babies, wars, and all other evil has resulted from the willful disobedience of mankind which throws the whole universe out of its perfectly designed balance. Yes, Adam and Eve started it, but we have all at times contributed by living outside of what we know would be pleasing and acceptable to God. Thank goodness that God has a plan that will eventually override man’s failure and restore the earth to its original design.

Following the time of global destruction that we have been examining in the previous articles and the 2nd coming of Jesus to put down all rebellion upon the earth, the anti-christ and the false prophet will be cast into the lake of fire, and Satan will be bound and placed into the bottomless pit for a period of one thousand years.

When Christ descends and stands upon the Mount of Olives, the Mount of Olives will split in two and living waters will begin to flow east to the Mediterranean and west to the Dead sea bringing life back to the Dead sea. All who have been a part of the first resurrection (everyone who has died in Christ and the living who were caught up into heaven as a part of the raptured church, plus the resurrected martyrs coming out of the time of Great Tribulation) will be a part of Christ’s reigning kingdom that He will physically establish over all the inhabitants of the earth for this period of time known as the Millennium (Zechariah 14).

Temple worship will be restored and all of the world will be required to come and worship in Jerusalem (Ezekiel, chapters 40 – 46). Failure of a nation to come to Jerusalem to worship will result in immediate drought to that nation, and individual rebellion will result in immediate death to the guilty party (Zechariah 13:3). It is interesting to notice in Ezekiel 47 and 48 the very specific borders and measurement of the division of the twelve tribes of Israel and the portion for the Prince. Israel has never to this day totally ruled over this entire area and the boundaries of the tribes of Israel have never been drawn in the parallel manner described here. This is because it is a description of this millennial kingdom, which has not as yet been realized but will be when Christ sets up His righteous earthly kingdom bringing total peace for the very first time to the whole earth.

Although the “peace on earth and good will towards all men” announced by the angel at the birth of Christ will not be totally fulfilled until this time of millennium, there is an individual peace that is available right now to all who will place their trust in Christ, accept Him as the Savior who forgives them of all their sins, and surrender their lives to Him as Lord and master.

Many people are stressed out and in despair of what life is dishing out to them, or what may happen in their future, and they reach in many directions attempting to discover peace – only to discover more and more uncertainty and despair. There is no true peace outside of Christ, but don’t lose hope. Jesus himself stated to all who will take heed in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Jesus also said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” I beg of you, please turn to Jesus. He is waiting with His arms outstretched in love patiently waiting for you to surrender yourself totally unto Him in order that He can bring you total peace and purpose in this world and eternal life in the world to come.

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