Day 105: More Compassion than Dogs
Author: Kathy VarisToday’s Scripture: Luke 16:20-21
Central Thought: God wants his people to show compassion.
Imagine with me the rich man living in splendor, well fed, self-centered, and not even noticing the poor man that someone had dumped by his gate. The rich man’s beautiful clothing and extravagant living benefited the most important person in the universe—himself. He was so caught up with the pleasures of his life that he thought nothing of his future or eternity.
Helpless Lazarus, hungry and dying, wished for the just the crumbs from the rich man’s table to fill his aching body. The only kindness he received came from the dogs that licked his open sores. What a sad commentary that dogs showed more compassion than the wealthy man with all his resources and comforts.
Would things have turned out differently if the rich man had noticed the helpless man? What if he would have given him the small drink of water that later he would so desperately desire? The Bible tells us that we will reap what we sow, and the harvest is always greater than what was planted.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, help me truly see helpless people and be a hand of hope and help in the hour of need. Please don’t let me be so comfortable that I’m indifferent to those who are desperate.
Today’s Bible Reading: Joshua 9:3-10:43; Luke 16:19-17:10; Psalm 83:1-18; Proverbs 13:4