60 Seconds – His Way is in the Sea
Author: Dave ArnoldAn Italian proverb states, “He who would have no trouble in this world must not be born in it.” A man painted a picture of a boy with his satchel full of apples. He was hanging by the tips of his fingers from the top of a wall. Just above the wall on the other side was the owner of the orchard from which the boy had taken the apples. At the bottom of the wall was a big bull dog, chained to a kennel. The boy could not go up for fear of the owner. He dared not drop down for fear of the dog. Below the picture were these words: “In A Fix.”
In Psalm 77:19, Asaph referred to the time when the children of Israel found themselves “in a fix.” They were boxed in from all sides at the Red Sea, and gripped with terrible fear, because of the advancing Egyptian army. Things looked hopeless. The problem was bigger than them. To make matters worse, they could not see God anywhere. The Red Sea speaks of impossible situations.
Today, this may be your home, your finances, your health, your children, your job, or your ministry. However, Asaph said, “Your way is in the sea.” They did not expect to find God there, but they encountered Him in the midst of the Red Sea in a way that they had never experienced Him before. The Red Sea became the place of miraculous deliverance. They watched in amazement as God came to their rescue. The Living Bible says, “Your road led by a pathway through the sea – a pathway no one knew was there.”
Andrew Murray reminds us, “Your religious life is every day to be proof that God works impossibilities. Your religious life is to be a series of impossibilities made possible and actual by God’s almighty power.” In a cotton factory there was a card on the walls of the workrooms that read: “If your threads get tangled send for the foreman.” One day a new worker got her threads tangled, and she tried to disentangle them, but only made them worse. Then she sent for the foreman. He came and looked. Then he said to her, “You have been doing this yourself?” “Yes,” she said. He questioned, “But why did you not send for me according to instructions?” “I did my best,” she said. “No, you did not,” the foreman said. “Remember that doing your best is sending for me!”
Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”