The Truth About Brokenness
Brokenness is a tool in the hand of God.
- It is painful, but God supports and provides the strength you need to keep going.
- The amount of pain you experience in times of brokenness depends on what is being broken (jealousy, pride, greed, lustful thoughts and actions, etc.) and how long it has been a part of your life.
God has given you His promises concerning brokenness.
- Brokenness is a sign of His love and activity in your life. He breaks your self-reliance because He loves you. He knows if you are left on your own, you would yield to pride and selfish feelings.
- Any discipline you experience in times of brokenness is God’s way of changing and preparing you for future service.
- The consequences of sin may seem heavy at times, but God uses each one to sweep away the dross and bring glory to His name. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)
God always sets limitations on times of brokenness.
- It may seem as though the brokenness will continue forever, but it won’t.
- Brokenness stops at the point where your spirit yields to God’s will. The moment He senses a true desire within you to obey His Word is when He eases the painfulness.
- God will never allow brokenness to crush you.
God uses brokenness to deepen your understanding in three ways.
- You gain a new perspective of His mercy and provision.
- You have a more complete comprehension of yourself.
- Your compassion and understanding for others’ suffering is developed.
God will never desert you.
- Feelings and emotions can lie to you. They tell you God has removed His love, but God will never stop loving you. This is the enemy’s lie sent in an effort to cause you to become discouraged and give up.
- God uses brokenness to reveal your need for Him. You need the fellowship and love of family and friends, but only Jesus Christ can meet all your needs perfectly and completely.
God is patient throughout the experience of brokenness.
- He knows all about you–where you have come from and how you got there. He also accepts and loves you unconditionally.
- He also knows how long it will take you to grasp the wondrous freedom that is yours through faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
- He knows the end result of brokenness in your life and is committed to you experiencing all the blessings He has for you.
God’s ultimate goal for brokenness is spiritual victory.
The Lord had one thing in mind for the brokenness Paul experienced, and that was spiritual victory. You will soon discover that only Jesus Christ can take your weakness and turn it into strength, hope, and honor. Will you trust Him to change your life?