Ministry Resources

The Greatest Gift You Can Give

Author: Ronda Knuth

‘Where is He who is born king of the Jews’ the Magi asked. ‘We’ve seen His star rising in the east and we’re on a pilgrimage to worship Him.’

Gold, frankincense, myrrh. Costly gifts, chosen with great care; they did not bring leftovers. They brought the best of the best, gifts befitting a King. The gifts lay carefully swathed, tucked securely out of sight from would-be thieves and murderous marauders.

At the right time, in the right place the wise men from the east would present them to the Christ child.

But first, they would worship Him.

Christmas Board Decors

The journey was long, possibly up to 2 years. Though often weary, they did not give up and go home. They kept pushing onward believing that something extraordinary had taken place.

They knew that they were destined to be there – wherever there was. It took time. It took effort.

The journey was often difficult.

When at last they found the young child with his mother, Mary, their joy knew no bounds. They did not stand around and gawk. They did not work the room slapping high-fives, hugging necks and kissing the child.

No, they fell prostrate on their faces and worshipped Him.

They knelt before Him having journeyed many miles over many days.

No doubt they were weary. Yet, in that sacred moment every inconvenience seemed as naught. It was worth it all just to be there in His presence.

Worship that costs us personally is precious to Him.

It is not hypocrisy to worship when you do not feel like it, it’s obedience. What are you offering Jesus this Christmas A fleeting reflection or the worship He deserves

Take time this blessed Advent season to seek Him; to find Him; to worship Him. He is worthy!

Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.
-Psalm 103:1

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