Ministry Resources

The Finger of God!

Author: Jim Cole-Rous

The Colossus of Rhodes

In Acts 21:1 we read the account of Paul the Apostle stopping at the Island of Rhodes.

Rhodes is an Island off the south west coast of Asia Minor. Tradition tells of Paul preaching here. At one time it was remarkable chiefly for its Colossus of brass, seventy cubits high, with each finger as large as an ordinary man, standing astride over the mouth of the harbor, so that ships in full sail passed between its legs. One of the ‘seven wonders of the world’, the colossus was set up in 288 B.C. and destroyed about 25 years later, by an earthquake. These “fingers” made by man did not last very long!

The Finger of God.

Ex. 31:18
In the book of Exodus we read of tablets of stone written with the “finger of God”. It is interesting to follow the Bible references to God’s Finger which is alluded to many times in the Bible and always speaks of JUDGMENT and DELIVERANCE.

The first reference is to the judgment of Kingdoms.


When the Lord God began to deal with Egypt He sent various plagues, some of which Pharaoh’s magicians imitated. However when we read of the Plague of lice in Exodus 8:19 Pharaoh’s Magi warn him “this is the finger of God”. The miracle of the lice was something even the Magi could not duplicate and they saw God in this, but Pharaoh’s heart was hardened and fine tooth combs began selling as the hottest items in the land of Egypt!


In the book of Daniel 5:5 we have the dramatic story of the ‘Writing on the wall’ by the fingers of a man’s hand! The Wise men could not interpret this writing but Daniel was called and told the King that his Kingdom was found wanting and about to be destroyed. Within 12 hours Babylon was taken by Darius the Mede, and King Belshazzar slain. See Dan. 5:30-31.
God in His sovereignty deals with Kingdoms in Judgment.
Government is ultimately accountable to God.

Other occurrences are the deliverance of Individuals

When Cain sinned, Gen. 4:15 “the Lord set a mark upon Cain lest any finding him should kill him”. He was worthy of death, rebellious and unrepentant. Certainly he was guilty of his own willful act! But God! Yes here the Lord God makes a mark upon Cain, so no one would destroy him. God is in the business of deliverance. You may have done willful sin but you can still come to Jesus and find deliverance. He came to save the lost, sinful and straying.
When Jesus healed a demon possessed Mute in Luke 11:20. He said He did so ‘with the finger of God’. Matt.12:22 tell us the man was brought by another, he was deaf and blind as well; he had no way to have faith. Jesus healed him anyway.

God’s Grace is greater than your faith.

Then we are told of an adulterous woman. In John 8:6 Jesus writes in the dust with his finger. She had been caught in the act. Jesus asked the crowd if any was without sin. They walked away knowing they had sinned! When they were all gone Jesus turned to the woman and said, “Neither do I condemn you!”

There is also the account of Noah in Gen. 8:4

We are told that the ark came to rest on the ‘Mountains’ (Plural) of Ararat. Ararat is a chain of mountains.

Interestingly, Ararat’s highest point is called by locals the “finger of God”, and upon this highest part, the ark is supposed to have rested. It would seem that when Noah trusted God, he was kept so much in the hand and protection of God that when the waters subsided, he landed on God’s Finger!

We learn 3 lessons here.

1. Noah trusted God. He had never seen rain, or flood, but believed.

2. Noah obeyed and did what God required of him and worked 120 years.

3. Noah was saved by the “finger of God”.

Jesus used this example to warn modern day people.

“As the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be (Vs.42). Watch, therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come”. Matt 24: 37.

Jeremiah 31:33 says God will write on our hearts His law. (2 Cor.3:7-8) He can make you want to be what you cannot be of yourself! In all of these examples God was dealing in Judgment and Deliverance.

Those who ignored the warnings were judged, and those who trusted God found deliverance. “What do you want God to do for you right now? Judgment or Deliverance?”

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