Praising God Before the Miracle
Author: Jade BledsoeFather of Nations
Abraham, at the age of 75, was told that he would be the father of nations. The Lord personally promised him that he would have many descendants… that they would outnumber the stars in the sky. How would it be possible, since he had yet to receive his own heir? Would a servant in his household bring all of this about? Abraham had many questions but he took God at his Word and stood in faith that his promise would come about and that they would see this MIRACLE happen!
Many years passed and they began to become weary as they waited for this promise to be fulfilled. Sarah, in her own understanding could not see how it would be possible for her to have a baby in her old age. She took God’s promise into her own hands and gave her servant Hagar as a wife to Abraham, so that he could have an heir. Sarah’s plan backfired in her face and her servant began to resent her. Sarah banished her pregnant servant into the wilderness, trying to “get rid” of her faithless plan and act like it never happened.
The Lord had compassion on Hagar and asked her to return to her mistress and serve her. Hagar was so grateful that she named the Lord, “The God who sees Me!” (Gen 16:13). She returned and served willingly.
The story goes on and here is my favorite part. The Lord appeared to Abraham again when he was 99. When Sarah and Abraham came to their senses and realized that taking God’s promise into their own hands didn’t work, the Lord showed up. He didn’t tell them how disappointed he was in them or that now he would choose someone else to fulfill this promise…. NO! He reminded them of the covenant he had made and he even gave them a new identity! He changed their names from Abram to Abraham, and Sarai to Sarah. I love how just when we think we have really blown it… the Lord steps in and says, “My beloved, I am committed to you, I will never leave you or forsake you, and I will still use you and bring my plan to pass!!” Even though Abraham and Sarah’s faith wavered, God didn’t!
God specifically told Abraham that his descendant would come from “her” meaning Sarah. Abraham, wondered why the Lord couldn’t have just accepted Ishmael as his descendant and if Sarah could really have a baby at such an old age. Sarah even laughed at the thought. But they trusted God.
At 100 years old Abraham and Sarah received their promise 25 years after God originally spoke it! They named their son Isaac which means “he will laugh” or “he will rejoice.” Only God could have performed such a beautiful miracle.
Even though Abraham and Sarah’s faith wavered, God didn’t!
As we are waiting for God to fulfill a promise, perform a miracle or healing, or answer a prayer… we can become weary in waiting. It can feel as though the Lord has forgotten and we can begin to waver in our faith to believe that He will come through on our behalf.
We recently found out that our oldest son, Gabriel, has a rare condition called Perthes Disease. The blood flow is restricted to the head of the femur bone which goes into your hip socket.
Gabriel has had to stop all sports and cannot participate in gym. He is daily in pain and limps when he walks. It has been a long road of visiting various doctors for opinions and trusting God as Gabriel becomes overwhelmed with what he is going through. I remember after meeting with one of the doctors’, Gabriel burst into tears and said, “I just want to go to heaven… my life is so hard and no other kids have to go through this.” I just held him. No words could really change how he felt even though he knew that I believed and still believe that he will be healed.
A month ago we found out that we were going to have our fourth child.
The day after I had a positive test, and had only told Bobby of the results, one of our girls in our Womens Hope Home came over. She said that she had been praying for our family the night before at church and the Lord gave her a word for us. He said, “I am going to heal Gabriel and I am going to give them another baby. They will name him Judah which means praise.” When she told me this I kind of received it but didn’t tell her that I was pregnant until later. Now, every time I read this I want to cry because God specifically stepped into our situation and gave us an audible word that he would first, heal Gabriel, and then give us the baby! We are anticipating his healing and the baby is due three days after Gabriel’s birthday in May! What a promise!
As we have continued to believe for Gods healing, the story of Abraham and Sarah has truly encouraged me. At times I may not have the strongest faith but I can rest assured that God will come through. Even when I waver, God never does and He always keeps his promises!
Even when I waver, God never does and He always keeps his promises!