Overcoming Shame That Cripples
Author: The Journey Online TeamAdrian had a serious problem. She felt shame that crippled her emotionally. It often interrupted her life, kept her from moving forward. Most importantly, it kept her from seeking the help she needed. Click play on the video to see and hear her story.
Even though Adrian grew up in a loving Christian home, she never made faith her own. Because she was sheltered from destructive people, she never really had a problem with shame while growing up. That all changed at college. Adrian fell in with a group of people who partied often. She gave herself away to men. She made a series of wrong choices.
A few years later, her life really began to spin out of control. She was often tempted. She sank deeply into sin and finally, she stopped fighting all together. The shame was overwhelming.
Adrian felt afraid that people would find her out. She went to church but hid so no one could see into her heart and discover her shame. Slowly, God broke through her resistance and helped her in her search for love and acceptance. Adrian felt God drawing her closer to Himself. He helped her find mentors who understood the pain of her failings and helped her move past her shame.
It is important to understand that God cared more about offering Adrian forgiveness and healing than He did about the wrongs Adrian had done. He feels the same way toward you. No matter how many times you’ve stumbled and fell, God still sees you as valuable, worthy and redeemable.
Shame is a liar. Shame tells us that forgiveness is for other people, not you or me. Shame shouts the list of our failures, sins and pain for all to hear. But again, shame is a liar. No sin you’ve committed is so great that it could cancel the love God feels toward you.
God specializes in healing those damaged by sin and shame.
God specializes in healing those damaged by sin and shame. Like Adrian, we can feel God draw us closer to Himself. His heart toward us is to forgive, to heal and to restore.
Perhaps you feel a bit like Adrian. She said: “I tried and I tried. I gave it my best shot and I just couldn’t do it.” In that moment of resignation, she began to feel God draw her closer. It was a turning point. Once Adrian understood that a relationship with God was not dependent on her own abilities, God took over.
Long before we were born, God knew the price you would pay for sin. He sent His son, Jesus, to settle the price of your sin once and for all. By going to the cross as a sinless man, Jesus took the weight of your sins upon Himself. His sacrifice settled the sin debt you owed once and for all. Now, you can take advantage of God’s kindness by simply asking Him to forgive you and take control of your life.
It begins with a prayer:
“Dear Jesus, I admit that I have shamed myself, my family and You. I need forgiveness from the wrong things I have done. I choose to make You Lord of my life. Please help me discover joy and the freedom to live without shame as I learn to live for you. Guide me through life’s journey and let me bring honor to Your name. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!”
If you prayed that prayer, please click the button that says: “Yes, I prayed.” We will contact you soon.