Ministry Resources

Just Do It Now

Author: Angela Craig

Everywhere I looked last week, I kept seeing the mantra…Just do it now.

It was written on the side on a Lululemon lunch bag, in two of my leadership books and on the last Nike commercial I watched.

The repetition of this phrase was somewhat of a persistent nag on my mind, annoyingly so might I add since I don’t consider myself to be a procrastinator.

But with further reflection, I realized that you don’t have to be a procrastinator to put this motto into motion. You can be like me, a self-proclaimed distractinator. (Yes, I did just make-up that word.)

It is true, I am distracted my many things, and not just things that sparkle and shine. I am distracted by every detail, thought, email, outside input, task, cause, child, husband, friend, phone call… that comes along.

My sister-in-law calls it attending to the squeaky wheel. I attend to whatever makes the loudest noise and has the most immediate need, not necessarily in order of importance or priority. For example, I walk into a room to get my book to study for my master’s class (my priority for the afternoon) and realize the bed isn’t made, then I notice a light bulb is out, and see a large pile of laundry on the floor. I think to myself, no problem, if I multi-task, I can get it all done and then study. As I go to put the laundry in the washer the phone rings and that reminds me that I was supposed to return a call for our awards ceremony coming up…. 45 minutes later, I still haven’t opened my book.

Not only does this bad habit put my priorities at the bottom of the list, multi-tasking has been proven to make you less efficient at every task you attempt. Success of any goal takes time, focus and attentiveness.

Have you been there? If you have, maybe you would like to join me on my new quest to just do it now.

Here is My 3 Step Plan to Doing it Now:

1. Choose a day of the week to review your calendar and create a weekly priority list.

  • What relationships do you need to build?
  • What projects do you want to accomplish?
  • What appointments do you need to keep?
  • What fun are you planning?

2. Make a space under your priority list to write distractions as they come up.

When you find yourself side-tracked from your priority, don’t let the distraction control you, you control them by simple writing them down to accomplish later. This way, the small stuff will not take up creative brain space that can be used on priority projects.

3. Be released from guilt when you are consumed with trying to do it all and fail.

Pick yourself up and try remember that it is your priorities, not the laundry that matters.

Just do it now!

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