I Believe in You
Author: Dave BerothUnbroken is the inspirational real life story of Louis Zamperini. The book and movie is a timeless story about a true American hero. Louis’ life story teaches us about resiliency, perseverance and the power of forgiveness plus much more…
I took note of two powerful moments in Louis’ young life. As a young boy, Louis struggled to find his way. However, his brother, Pete, discerned something in Louis for which he believed to be good. After Pete’s encouragement about what Louis was capable of, Louis responded, “I don’t believe.” Pete replied, “I do.” Someone believing in you is powerful. Peter knew that Louis could run and running would be the very thing that changed his life.
Have you ever taken time to let someone know that you believe in them? If you believe in someone, I encourage you to let them know. It may be the words, “I believe in you,” that may change the course of their life forever. In addition to believing in Louis, Pete spoke words of encouragement. Pete constantly encouraged Louis by saying, “If you can take it, you can make it.”
Proverbs 15:4 (NIV) The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.
Proverbs 25:11 (NIV) A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
No one is perfect, and if you wait around for the perfect person to believe in, you will never believe in anyone. We grossly underestimate the power of affirming words. And we commonly underestimate how much people need them. Who will you encourage today? You just might help someone run a better race.