Ministry Resources

God’s Amazing Grace

Author: John Pennell

As strings resound with vibrant tongues

Skins are beat in frenzied haste

With evil voice death’s song is sung

Twisting, stealing, minds of our young

As God pours out Amazing Grace.


Controlling Spirits unbeknown

Always striving to abase

Masquerading their hearts of stone

Lying, beguiling, as they roam

As God pours out Amazing Grace.


Wandering souls in darkness abide

Selfish wills in death’s embrace

Sheol’s fuel — condemned by pride

Ever seeking a place to hide

As God pours out Amazing Grace.


Come unto me, while Grace is poured

Come unto me, O’ man of time

Come claim my Grace, my gift of love

My Grace is sure, for you are mine.


Fathomless Grace poured out on man

Before we come, as face to face

When all shall bow at His command

When all shall glorify the Lamb

When all shall sing Amazing Grace

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