Women’s Devotional: Rules of Salvation
Author: Angela CraigTuesday Talk Question: How do we cope when we don’t know if a loved one is with Jesus?
They said the prayer and were constantly seeking but we’re also constantly struggling till the end…how can you know or be at peace not knowing….
How do I get to heaven? Are there rules of salvation?
Salvation is a heart issue. Consider the story of the two thieves that hung next to Jesus on the cross.
The first, hung full of pride hurling insults at Jesus: “Some Messiah you are! Save yourself! Save us” (Luke 23:39 MSG)! This thief was having a serious crisis of entitlement. He may have even believed that Jesus was the Son of God, but his lack of repentance and, “What have you done for me lately” attitude shines through in the face of suffering and anticipated death.
The second thief, defended Jesus. “Have you no fear of God? You’re getting the same as him. We deserve this, but not him – he did nothing to deserve this” (John 23:40 MSG).
Then the second thief asked Jesus to remember him when He entered into His Kingdom.
Here is a general recap of this story.
- 1st thief: Defensive, unrepentant, bitter, entitled, angry.
- 2nd thief: Feared God, admitted sin, repentant, accepts the justice of death, and acknowledges the grace and power of Jesus as Lord.
There are two glorious conclusions to this story…
- First, Jesus’ response: “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43 MSG).
- And second, the 2nd thief had less than a stellar resume of good deeds in his life but salvation was given freely to him when he admitted his sin and called on the name of Jesus – even in his last moments of life!
Now that is GOOD NEWS!
I believe and have witnessed God’s pursuit of those he loves until their very last breath. As a Father, there is nothing more that He wants but for us to know and feel His unfailing love, grace, and mercy in our lives. I have no doubt in my mind that your love one experienced God’s great pursuit even if they didn’t have the words to express it to you.
For further encouragement I suggest reading Luke 14:15-34 The Story of the Dinner Party, and Luke 15 The Parable of the Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and the Lost Son.
Based off the blog series "Talk Tuesday" Created by Author, Professor, and Pastor Angela Craig.
Devotional Topic Written By: Angela Craig