Women’s Devotional: Dream Team
Author: Katie RogersIn 1992 the United States had a powerhouse basketball team for the Olympics known as the Dream Team. They worked so well as a team you would think they’d been playing together since grade school. They each knew their roles and their strengths and they covered one another’s weaknesses. They understood that without one another, they could not succeed as a team or in the Olympics.
In order to achieve balance we need a team as well. We love to be independent, we love to think we can conquer the world alone, but it’s not possible.
Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 (NIV) I encourage you to read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.
Christ’s plan was never for us to be an island unto ourselves; His plan was for us to each fulfill our part of the Body of Christ.
What does this look like in our lives?
Do you have a spouse, a child, or relatives that help in everyday activities or maybe even in a crisis? People that you can communicate to that you are lacking in one area or another and they need to help pick up the slack? Or maybe they are willing to hold you accountable to the priorities you’ve laid out?
Do you have more than one friend that chats with you, prays with you and who can come along side you in the good and the bad? Don’t allow yourself to isolate yourself so much that you depend on only one friend but don’t have so many people having an expectation of you that your spread too thin.
What area of ministry are you plugged into at church or in your community? Does your ministry have a team of people who are gifted in a variety of areas? Who can do their task and allow you to do yours while covering the weaknesses for one another or even assisting one another?
Without our own Dream Team we are left alone on an island. We need to ask God to help us hand select our Dream Team to prevent the losses that would make the scale of life be thrown off balance, making more losses than wins. God created us to win with others!
Each of us were created to be a part of God’s team, what is your role in the Body of Christ?
Based off the blog series "Talk Tuesday" Created by Author, Professor, and Pastor Angela Craig.
Devotional Topic Written By: Katie Rogers
"My name is Katie Rogers. I live in Forks, Washington and currently work at Forks Hospital. I’m currently working on being credentialed through the Assemblies of God. I co-teach a Sunday school class and lead Women’s Bible study. I also serve on the Women’s Team for the Northwest Ministry Network as Leader for the Olympic Area."