Ministry Resources

Day 260: Jesus Holds the Keys

Author: Lloyd McCutchen

Today’s Scripture: Isaiah 22:20-25

Central Thought: We walk in victory through Christ who holds the keys of authority and power.

Eliakim, the son of Hilkiah, was treasurer over the kingdom of Judah. He was given special garments that denoted his high position. The sash he wore gave further recognition of his special role. People knew by the way he was dressed that he was worthy of respect.

The people liked Eliakim. They liked him as a person, and they liked the way he conducted business. He was very popular and became a father figure to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and beyond, even to the whole province of Judah. He was highly favored by God and the people.

But there was more; Isaiah prophesied that Eliakim would be given a key. It was the ‘key of the house of David,” and it was laid upon his shoulder. With that key, Eliakim could open and shut doors in a manner that no one else could. The key was a symbol of authority and power. It was a sign of dignity and leadership. With it, Eliakim became a type (or picture) of Jesus in His kingly role.

The Scriptures teach that Jesus ‘holds the keys” of all eternity! All that He does is just and right. He has become a ‘Father” to His followers. He opens the doors of the Kingdom for us so that no man can close them. He closes those doors that should be closed so that no man can open them. He has also been given ‘all authority.”

The imagery further emphasizes that Eliakim is a picture of Christ, for we see Him as a ‘nail in a sure place” upon which is held the glory of His Father’s house. That nail was cut down to reveal the death of Jesus on the Cross.

We know from the Scriptures that death could not hold Him. He once again ‘holds the keys” of victory and power. Furthermore, He wears the golden sash of royalty around His chest.

Jesus is our blessed Redeemer and Lord! He wants to open the doors of victory and power for you and me as we follow Him and walk in His will. Will you let Him do that? Will you honor and worship Him as you walk in victory?

Devotional Prayer: Lord, who reigns in victory, authority, and power, please help me to walk in victory as Your child, today and always.

Today’s Bible Reading: Isaiah 22:1-24:23; Galatians 2:17-3:9; Psalm 60:1-12; Proverbs 23:15-16

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