Day 2: Prepare His Way
Author: Don BaileyToday’s Scripture: Matthew 3:3
Central Thought: Our lives should prepare the way for others to see Christ in us
Greatness. Many people seek it, but very few find it. Sometimes people think greatness is getting everyone to praise or idolize them. As a result, they concentrate on doing those things that will make them look the best in other people’s eyes. Seeking their own gain, however, often keeps them from the true greatness that results from letting others see Christ in our lives.
John the Baptist understood that his task was to prepare the way for Christ’s appearance. He prepared the way for Christ by preaching the need for repentance and calling people to turn from their sins. He understood that his task was to point people to Christ and not point them to himself.
We need to consider how we can let people see Christ in every facet of our lives. Our attitudes, actions, and ambitions can all point people past us and to the Lord. Whether we are at work, at home, at church, or going about our daily activities we need to make sure people are pointed to the Lord. Take some time today to consider ways that you can point people to Christ more effectively.
Devotional Prayer: Help me to point the way to Christ in everything I do.
Today’s Bible Reading: Genesis 3:1-4:26; Matthew 2:13-3:6; Psalm 2:1-12; Proverbs 1:7-9