Ministry Resources

OT Fire Starters – Day 159: 2 Chronicles 1-4

READ: 2 Chronicles 1-4

THINK: What do you really need? And what could you live without? There are lots of things people are convinced they have to have to be happy, healthy, successful and popular. At least that’s what the advertising executives try to tell us. Yet, there are very few things we have to have to survive-food and water among them. But do you want to do more than simply survive? Do you want to thrive in the purpose for which you were created? Then you need knowledge, insight, discernment, discretion and the discipline to apply these things. That’s what godly wisdom will do for you. To get it, all you have to do is ask God (James 1:5), feed on His Word, and put into practice what He shows you.

RESPOND: How was Solomon able to establish himself firmly over his kingdom (1:1)? How would you have responded if God appeared to you and said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you” (1:7), and why? Why did Solomon ask for wisdom and knowledge (1:10)? Why is wisdom so valuable for God’s followers? (See 1:10 note.) How do we gain godly wisdom? Does having wisdom guarantee faithfulness to God? Why or why not? (See 1:12 note.) What do you need to do in order for wisdom to make a real difference in your life? What did Solomon recognize about God’s presence regarding the temple (2:6)? Is it necessary to have obvious skills to be involved in the church? Why or why not? (See article on Campus Missions Commitment to Serve, p. 1276 in the FBSE.) How does Solomon’s Temple in the Old Testament compare with Christ’s temple-the church-of the New Testament? (See 3:1 note.) How does the church fulfill the real purpose of the Old Testament temple? (See 3:1 note, subpoint 8.)

PRAY: Ask God for wisdom to serve Him faithfully and accomplish His plans day by day. Pray for the discipline to put that wisdom into practice. Give God thanks for your church and for making you part of His eternal church.

ACT: Throughout the day, give serious thought to what you would ask God for if you were in Solomon’s position. Before bed tonight, or during your prayer time tomorrow, ask God for this thing, and trust Him to give you what’s best. Do your best to make wise decisions and to behave wisely in all situations.

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