Day 303: For Future Generations
Author: Don BaileyToday’s Scripture: Psalm 102:18
Central Thought: The accounts of God’s faithfulness help future generations to trust in the Lord.
Derrick thought to himself. Oh great, I have to read some dry history of some dead guy. Talk about boring. Yet, as Derrick started reading the biography of a famous missionary, he quickly saw this man’s life was anything but boring. Derrick finished reading the book well ahead of schedule. He could not wait to present the reading report for his college literature class.
In today’s reading the anonymous writer of Psalm 102 pleaded with God for help with his trials. Then he expressed his confidence in God’s faithfulness and prayed that the accounts of God’s faithfulness be written for future generations who were yet to be born. The Psalmist knew that others needed to hear about God’s goodness so that they too would have the confidence to fully trust Him.
We too should share our testimonies of God’s goodness in our lives. There are many who need to know that God will also meet their needs. Hearing our testimony can give them the confidence they need to trust for their needs. Take some time today to think about the good things God has done in your life that you could share with others.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, thank You for the great faithfulness You have demonstrated throughout the generations.
Today’s Bible Reading: Lamentations 2:20-3:66; Hebrews 1:1-14; Psalm 102:1-28; Proverbs 26:21-22