Day 298: Self-Delusion
Author: Don BaileyToday’s Scripture: Proverbs 26:9-12
Central Thought: We need God’s wisdom in order to avoid self-delusion.
Some things just do not belong together. People will not go to their neighborhood mechanic to have a root canal. The family dentist is probably not a good choice to rebuild a transmission. In the same way, moral guidance and solid principles of living can be found from those who live consistent, self-controlled lives, not those living in rebellion to God’s laws.
As we read today’s verses we see four examples of things that just do not make sense. A fool giving a proverb makes as much sense as a drunkard holding a sharp thorn bush. Verse 12 gives the bottom line to all of these illustrations—a person wise in his own eyes. The person described in this verse can be said to be self-deluded. Instead being wise, this person is very foolish.
We can be guilty of self-delusion when we begin to think we have our own talents and abilities apart from God’s grace. Our own wisdom may seem solid, but it falls far short of God’s standards. When we acknowledge our dependence upon the Lord, we can begin to receive true wisdom.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, I ask You to help me see Your Word and will clearly.
Today’s Bible Reading: Jeremiah 48:1-22; 2 Timothy 4:1-22; Psalm 95:1-96:13; Proverbs 26:9-12