Ministry Resources

Day 285: Called to Be Faithful

Author: Debbie Russell

Today’s Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:24

Central Thought: As we faithfully cooperate with God He will bring us to fullness in Him.

God has called you to minister. Your calling may be to workplace ministry, full-time ministry, or a low profile ministry such as household ministry. He will lead you to whatever ministry He calls you. He will help you fulfill His calling on your life; all you have to do is cooperate with Him and be faithful to Him.

The Amplified Bible says, ‘Faithful is He who is calling you (to Himself) and utterly trustworthy, and He will also do it (fulfill His call by hallowing and keeping you).”

Hebrews 11:11 says Sarah judged God faithful. She had been unable to bear children when she was young, and now she was old. Abraham, her husband, had received the promise that he would be a father of many nations through a son Sarah would bear.

Even though God had promised a child to Abraham and Sarah, many years had gone by without the promise being fulfilled. But God’s call—His promise that Sarah would be the mother of many nations—was still on her life. Sarah understood the faithfulness of God, and God’s call on her life was fulfilled.

Devotional Prayer: Father, I come to You in Jesus name asking you to help me totally fulfill Your call in my life. Help me to be faithful even when what you call me to do is small, or even unrecognized, in the eyes of men.

Today’s Bible Reading: Jeremiah 19:1-21:14; 1 Thessalonians 5:4-28; Psalm 82:1-8; Proverbs 25:7b-10

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