Day 275: Repetition
Author: Richard J. BennettToday’s Scripture: Philippians 3:1
Central Thought: Reminding ourselves of the basic truths of the gospel is profitable and can safeguard our hearts.
It has been said that repetition is the key to learning. While we often think of repetition as boring, there are times it can be useful. Have you ever forgotten a password or the PIN of an account you had not used for a while?
In writing to believers in Philippi, Paul stated that ‘to write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you” (Philippians 3:1). He then went on to remind these believers about the need to make knowing Christ the most important thing in their lives.
Sometimes when people have been Christians for a long time, they forget the importance of the basic truths of the gospel. In a desire to learn the latest, greatest teaching being promoted by the Christian top-seller list or television programming, we can get sidetracked from our pursuit of God and godliness.
We need to remind ourselves from time to time of basic truths like those conveyed in songs we learned years ago: ‘Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” ‘Read your Bible, pray every day, and you’ll grow, grow, grow.” ‘Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!” ‘What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”
So, while you are looking up some of those old passwords and PINs you realize you’ve forgotten, take a moment to thank God that He loves you, saves you, and wants to be a part of your life every day.
Devotional Prayer: Lord, thank You for the gospel that has changed my life and has brought me into a vital, loving relationship with You.
Today’s Bible Reading: Isaiah 62:6-65:25; Philippians 2:19-3:4a; Psalm 73:1-28; Proverbs 24:13-14