NT Fire Starters – Day 94: Luke 10:1-24
READ: Luke 10:1-24
THINK: Do you work better alone or with others? Do you prefer self-guided projects or team efforts? God made us each unique, and depending on your distinct personality and the task at hand, both styles have a place. But when it comes to accomplishing God’s purposes, He’s designed us to function and find fulfillment by working with other believers. That way, we benefit from each other’s gifts, encourage one another, and keep each other accountable.
RESPOND: What are the benefits of ministering with a partner or team? (See Luke 10:1 note.) What did Jesus mean when He said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (v. 2)? How can you contribute to the spiritual harvest? In what sense are Jesus’ followers “like lambs among wolves”? (See 10:3 note.) What did it mean when the disciples told people, “The kingdom of God is near you,” when they ministered in various towns? (See 10:9 note.) What does verse 16 say about receiving or rejecting those who speak the truth from God? Why do you think the seventy-two were so amazed by how God used them, especially after witnessing Jesus’ authority many times? What did Jesus mean when He said, “I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven”? (See 10:18 note.) What is the greatest cause for rejoicing among Jesus’ followers? (See 10:20 note.) What did Jesus mean when He said that His Father had “hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children”? (See 10:21 note.) What does verse 22 indicate about the only way we can know and relate to God the Father?
PRAY: Ask God to help you connect with others who are devoted to Christ. Pray for wisdom and accountability. Also, ask God to raise up more workers in the ministries in which you take part through your church. Ask God to make His power and purpose evident through those ministries in your community and around the world.
ACT: Take your Fire Bible with you. During free times throughout the day, read or re-read the articles on Campus Missions Commitment to PRAY, p. 1744; SERVE, p. 1276; and TELL, p. 1859. Also, refer to the section on Campus Missions Helps, beginning on p. 2275, for training and practical ideas related to these issues.