Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 84: Luke 6:1-16

READ: Luke 6:1-16

THINK: Do you ever feel like you need a break? God certainly knows and understands that you do, and He’s provided just what you need. But you may not be taking advantage of it. Like many Christians, you may get so busy with unnecessary things that you end up taking breaks from the necessary things, like your time alone with God in His Word and prayer. Maybe you’re so caught up in doing what you think God expects, that you miss the opportunity to do the good work He puts right in front of you. As a result, you may miss a miracle. One way to guard your priorities from getting out of whack is to take the opportunity God gives you every week to focus more intensely on worshipping Him, finding encouragement from other Christians, and refreshing yourself.

RESPOND: How did the Pharisees miss the purpose of God’s Sabbath–the day He gives for worship, rest and refreshment? (See 6:2-10 note.) What kind of opportunities does the Sabbath, or “Lord’s day” provide for His people? Why were the Pharisees so furious at Jesus for healing the man? What did Jesus do before choosing those who would be His closest followers? (See 6:12 note.) What do you think it takes to be a close follower of Jesus? What lesson can you learn from His example in this situation? If Jesus, God’s Son, spent this kind of time in prayer, what does that say to you?

PRAY: Give God thanks for the opportunities He gives you for worship and refreshment–physical and spiritual. Pray about a decision you are facing and trust God to help you choose wisely. Pray that your own ideas, behaviors and agendas never get in the way of anyone getting to God or receiving what they need from Him.

ACT: Spend some extended time in prayer regarding a significant decision you have to make. Make plans that the next time you are at church, you will do something specific and out of the ordinary to help, serve, encourage or inspire at least one other person or a whole group of people. Also, be sure to take advantage of the day God gives you to rest and refresh yourself physically and spiritually.

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