Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 78: Luke 2:21-52

READ: Luke 2:21-52

THINK: How young is too young to grasp God’s purpose and mission for one’s life? If true Christianity is about knowing Jesus and following His example, then even a child can begin to comprehend and fulfill God’s plans. And that means having the ability to influence and inspire others–of all ages–to consider God’s purpose for their own lives. God is calling you to impact your world right now. Jesus has been where you are and He can help you become aware and prepared for His ultimate plans for your life.

RESPOND: In what way do Joseph’s and Mary’s actions at the temple set an example for parents today? (See 2:22 note.) What does their temple sacrifice likely reveal about their economic status at the time? (See 2:24 note.) What does this passage reveal about Simeon’s character and relationship with God? (See 2:25 note.) What was Simeon waiting for, and how does this relate to our situation today? (See 2:25 note.) What do you think Simeon’s prophesy about Jesus in verses 34-35 means? What does the incident with Jesus and the teachers at the temple reveal about Jesus and His life’s mission? (See 2: note.) About the only thing the Bible tells us about Jesus’ childhood–from infancy to age twelve–is found in verse 40. The only thing we are told about Jesus teen and young adult years–from 12 to around 30–is found in verse 52. What do these statements tell us about Jesus development during these years? (See 2:52 note.) How does this relate to you?

PRAY: Ask God for wisdom and for favor with people of all ages so you can influence them for Christ.

ACT: Is there anything you’ve hesitated to do for God or any area of service you’ve refrained from because of your age, social status or other concern? Take a mature step to become involved in that particular venture or ministry. If there is an area of your church’s ministry in which no young people are involved, volunteer to be a part in it. Watch how the congregation gets inspired to see it’s youth serving in all aspects of ministry.

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