NT Fire Starters- Day 68: Mark 14:1-26
READ: Mark 14:1-26
THINK: Did Jesus lack concern for the poor? Certainly not! No one will ever care more for the poor–or for any of us–than Jesus. He proved His ultimate compassion by laying down His life to provide all of us with what we really need: the opportunity for forgiveness, hope, new life and a personal relationship with Him. His whole time on earth was aimed at fulfilling that purpose. Along the way He continually gave of himself to comfort, heal, enrich and restore countless lives. But knowing that His time on earth was short, Jesus infinitely valued the isolated moments when individuals disregarded the peer pressure and did something extra-special just for Him. These individuals seized opportunities that few others recognized, and Jesus would not deny them the privilege of ministering directly to Him.
RESPOND: Why did Jesus accept the woman’s extravagant gift when others condemned her for wasting her resources? What is the “gospel” often referred to by Jesus and others in the Bible? (See 14:9 note in the FBSE.) In what way did the bread Jesus served at His last supper symbolize His own body (v. 22)? What did Jesus mean when He referred to “my blood of the covenant”? (See 14:24 note.) What is a “covenant”? How did Jesus Christ establish and seal a covenant with us through His death? (See article on The Old Covenant and The New Covenant, p. 1820.)
PRAY: Express thanks to Jesus for suffering and giving His life so you could be forgiven of your sins and have an eternal, personal relationship with Him.
ACT: Take time to think of and do something special just for Jesus. This may involve a tangible ministry gift or, better yet, a gift of extra time with Him personally. Perhaps you can spend time in conversational prayer at a favorite quiet spot. Try writing a song or poem of praise and adoration to Jesus, thanking Him for His personal sacrifice by which He provided you with eternal life.