NT Fire Starters – Day 4: Matthew 4:1-25
READ: Matthew 4:1-25
THINK: Think of the times when you seem to be most vulnerable to spiritual attack and temptation. How do you typically hold up under the pressure? If these situations stem from your own unwise decisions and behaviors, you are more likely to cave in when the pressure is on. But God has given you tools for success and an example to follow in overcoming even the toughest temptations. Jesus was tempted by Satan himself at a time when it seemed He would be most vulnerable. The devil tried to take advantage of Jesus and distract Him from His mission, just as he will try to do to you. But if you follow Jesus’ example, He will give you victory over the enemies fiercest attacks.
RESPOND: What was Satan’s goal in tempting Jesus? (See 4:1-11 note.) In what ways had Jesus prepared for Satan’s attacks? (See 4:2 and 4:6 notes.) What did Jesus use to resist temptation? (See 4:1-11 note, and 4:6 note.) How did Jesus’ use of God’s written Word differ from Satan’s? What does this passage reveal about Satan, how he will attack you spiritually, and how you can resist his attacks? What can you learn from how Jesus’ first disciples responded to Him (cf. vv. 20, 22)? What does this passage reveal about Jesus mission, and the mission He has for His followers? What does it mean to be ‘fishers of men”? (See 4:19, note.)
PRAY: Ask Jesus to help you recognize times when you are most susceptible to spiritual attack and temptation. Pray that God will help you fill your mind with His Word and bring it to mind when you face difficulty and temptation. Also, ask God to use you to bring help and healing to hurting people.
ACT: Bring your Bible with you today and take it out when you have spare time. Find a verse that is special to you and memorize or recite it throughout the day. Also, stay alert for anyone who may be hurting physically, emotionally or spiritually. Do something practical to help or encourage them. Don’t be afraid to tell them that you’ll pray for them. If God give you an opportunity to talk about a spiritual issue, trust Him to guide your conversation.