NT Fire Starters – Day 352: Revelation 12:1-17
READ: Revelation 12:1-17
THINK: Guilt can be disheartening and devastating. While recognizing legitimate guilt is necessary for justice–even receiving God’s life-liberating forgiveness–persistent guilt leads to overwhelming hopelessness. That’s why guilt is part of Satan’s strategy. As “the accuser,” he constantly points to people’s failures and unworthiness. He will even accuse you of not doing enough for God if the resulting guilt causes a rift in your relationship with Jesus. But those who surrender their lives to Jesus can enjoy forgiveness and freedom from guilt. If you’re not ashamed to identify with Christ and live by His Word, you can defeat the devil and deflect his accusations, even during difficult times of persecution.
RESPOND: What conflicts involving Satan are depicted in this chapter? (See 12:1 first note.) Who or what does the “woman” symbolize, and what is significant about her appearance? (See 12:1 second note.) Who does the “dragon” represent? (See 12:3 note.) What do the dragon’s color, heads and horns represent and how are these things deceptive? Who is the male child “snatched up to God and to his throne”? (See 12:5 note.) What does it mean that the woman flees to the desert for 1260 days, and how does this relate to Israel during the tribulation? (See 12:6 note.) How does the “war in heaven” relate to the tribulation period? (See 12:7-9 note.) What does this indicate about the current influence and authority of Satan and his demonic forces, and what’s in store for them? In what way is Satan an “accuser,” and how does this play into his strategy against people? (See 12:10 note.) How do God’s people ultimately overcome Satan’s schemes and accusations? (See 12:11 note.) What is God’s part in securing this victory and our part in expressing it? How does Satan being defeated in heaven affect people and events on earth, both now and during the end-time tribulation? (See 12:12 note.) What does it mean that Satan pursues the woman? (See 12:13 note.) What will God do in response (v. 14)? Who is “the rest of [the woman’s] offspring” with whom the devil makes war? (See 12:17 note.)
PRAY: Give thanks to God the Father for sending Jesus to die for your sin and open the way to a relationship with Him. Pray for the peace and protection of Israel. Pray for boldness to stand for Christ and testify to others of His goodness. Thank Him for the victory He has already won for you over Satan.
ACT: Continue your efforts from the previous day to strategically create and take advantage of opportunities to communicate your faith in Jesus. Refer to “101 Ways to Be a Witness,” “Topics and Transitions,” and “30 Questions to Spark Spiritual Conversations,” pp. 2282–2286 in the Campus Missions Training Helps section at the back of the FBSE.