NT Fire Starters – Day 349: Revelation 9:1-21
READ: Revelation 9:1-21
THINK: Many people have the impression that serving God is too restrictive and that following their own way–or following the devil’s way–provides much more freedom. But those who reject God and follow the devil’s deception will ultimately find that Satan has no loyalty to those who serve his purposes. Satan and his demons always turn on and destroy those deceived by his promises of power and pleasure (see John 10:10). The effects of his destructive work in people’s lives may not be as apparent as the effects of judgments described in Revelation, but they are just as real.
RESPOND: What or who is the “star that had fallen from the sky to the earth” (v. 1) and what does it do? (See 9:1 note.) What is the Abyss (v. 1), and how does it fit into the events described in Revelation? What do the locusts represent and what power will they have? (See 9:3 note.) Who will they torture and for how long (vv. 4-5)? Why will people wish for death during these times? (See 9:6 note.) What does the severity of these judgments reveal about God’s justice and the effects of evil on people’s lives? (See 9:6 note, sub points 1 & 2.) Why is it significant that forces of evil are the ones inflicting the pain and suffering at this point? (See 9:6 note.) What will Satan and his demonic forces eventually do to those who serve his purposes? What does the description of the locusts indicate about demonic forces and their resilience? (See 9:7 note.) What do the names Abaddon (Hebrew) and Apollyon (Greek) mean? (See 9:11 note.) Who are the “four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates,” and what happens upon their release? (See 9:14 note.) What’s significant about the River Euphrates? Regardless of one’s interpretation of the symbolic language in Revelation–whether descriptions are taken figuratively or literally–what must you keep in mind about what these things represent? (See 9:17 note.) Why will the people not killed by these plagues still not turn to God? (See 9:20 note.) What will be among the most prominent sins in the last days and the tribulation period?
PRAY: Pray that God works powerfully through the church to combat the devil’s schemes in individual lives and communities. Pray that the Holy Spirit opens people’s eyes to the destructive effects of evil so they’ll turn to God for mercy.
ACT: As you go through the day, take particular note of the destructive, devastating, yet sometime subtle effects that evil, wickedness and immorality have on people’s lives. Let this stir greater compassion in you. Pray for specific people and try to do practical things to help or encourage as many as possible who are hurting or in need.