Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 287: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28

READ: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28

THINK: Though Christ’s return for His faithful followers will be at an unknown time, it should not be unexpected. God’s Word offers ample warning of this glorious event, which provides ultimate hope and joy to those who receive Christ but ultimate devastation and judgment for those who reject Him.

RESPOND: Even though Christ wants us to prepare for and anticipate His return, why is it foolish and futile to speculate about “times and dates”? (See 5:1 note.) What is “the day of the Lord” and what are its end-time implications? (See 5:2 first note.) What does this “day” mean for God’s enemies? What does it mean for His followers? (See 5:2 first note, sub points 4 & 6.) What does it mean that “the Lord will come like a thief in the night”? (See 5:2 second note.) What do you think it means that people will be saying, “Peace and safety,” prior to Jesus’ return? (See 5:3 note.) Why is it important to remain alert and self-controlled in the last days before Christ returns? (See 5:6 notes.) How can faith and love guard your heart like a “breastplate”? (See 5:8 note.) How does “the hope of salvation” (v. 8) guard your mind like a helmet? In what way can you show respect for your spiritual leaders (v. 12-13)? Why is it important for Christians to “be joyful always” (v. 16)? What does it mean to “pray continually”? (See 5:17 note.) Why and how can you “give thanks in all circumstances”? (See 5:18 note.) What does it mean that we must “not put out the Spirit’s fire”? (See 5:19-20 note.) How can we guard against this? What does this passage imply about the Holy Spirit’s work in the church? What do you think it means to “test everything” (v. 21), and how can that help you “hold on to the good” and “avoid every kind of evil” (v. 22)? How does God continue to “sanctify you through and through” so that your entire being can be “kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ”? (See 5:23 note.)

PRAY: Give God thanks that you can look forward to “the day of the Lord” as a time of hope and salvation. Pray for those you know who don’t follow Jesus and are headed for destruction and judgment on that “day.” Give thanks for your spiritual leaders, and pray for greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s work in your life and in your church.

ACT: Is there any aspect of life in which you’ve become spiritually lazy and lacking in alertness? Make the changes necessary to better prepare for Christ’s return. Also, find a practical way to show or express appreciation to one or more of your pastors or spiritual leaders. Read the article on The Rapture, p. 1753.

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