NT Fire Starters – Day 285: 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13
READ: 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13
THINK: Some believers obsess over their spiritual enemy, seeing the devil behind every obstacle in their lives and giving Satan more “credit” than he deserves. Then again, many people disregard the devil or even doubt his existence, which can be even more devastating spiritually. You need to be sober about Satan and his schemes, while recognizing that as God’s child, you have power over the enemy and need not fear him. This doesn’t mean you won’t face trials, so be prepared to endure difficulty, with confidence that God has given you the ultimate victory.
RESPOND: What does Paul mean when he says, “but Satan stopped us”? (See 2:18 note.) What insight does this provide into Satan’s strategies, power and ultimate subordination to God and God’s people (cf. vv. 8, 11)? Why and in what way must Jesus’ followers prepare to face “trials”? (See 3:3 note.) Why and in what ways can Christians be particularly susceptible to temptation when they encounter difficulty, opposition and persecution? Though they should not fear or obsess about the devil and his activity, why is it still crucial for Christians to take Satan seriously and be alert to his schemes? (See 3:5 note.) Why is it vital for Jesus’ followers to “be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes”? (See 3:13 note.) What does this imply for our daily lives?
PRAY: Pray for wisdom and insight to recognize Satan’s strategies and for strength and discipline to overcome temptation during difficult times. Ask God to help you be blameless and holy as you anticipate Jesus’ return.
ACT: Though you shouldn’t worry about people’s approval, or the fact that you’ll never find complete acceptance from non-Christians, it’s still appropriate to consider how they view your life. Could anyone you know–Christian or not–have a legitimate complaint against you because of your attitudes, behaviors or character? Have you treated anyone in a way that doesn’t reflect God’s grace and compassion? If so, make a conscious effort, with God’s help, to change that aspect of your life. This may include making an apology or settling an issue with another person.