NT Fire Starters – Day 267: Ephesians 2:11-22
READ: Ephesians 2:11-22
THINK: Young people in particular will do almost anything to be accepted, to become part of a family, to discover purpose and to find peace. Jesus has provided a way to experience all of these things through a personal relationship with God. No one can satisfy your search for significance like Jesus can. By accepting His gifts and staying true to Him, you become part of something infinitely greater than yourself–something ultimately and eternally fulfilling.
RESPOND: What enabled you to enter a relationship with God and to become part of His eternal kingdom? What benefits and hope does this provide for you at the present time? From what were you once “far away” and what does it mean that “you have been brought near through the blood of Christ” (v. 13)? In the context of this passage, what does it mean that Christ is “our peace” (v. 14)? What “barrier” or “wall of hostility” did He destroy and whom has He brought together? (See 2:14-17 note.) How and why did He do this? In what ways does a personal relationship with Jesus unite people? In what way do followers of Jesus have access to God the Father? (See 2:18 note.) What are some of the benefits of our access to God? Why and in what way is the Holy Spirit vital for our access to God? What are the implications and benefits of being “members of God’s household” (v. 19)? What is “the foundation of the apostles and prophets”? (See 2:20 note.) Why and in what ways is it crucial to remain on that foundation? What does it mean that Jesus Christ is “the chief cornerstone”? In what way are all of Christ’s followers in the church like a “building…a holy temple in the Lord” (v. 21)? What are the implications of Jesus’ followers “being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit” (v. 22)?
PRAY: Thank Jesus for sacrificing His life so you could enter a personal relationship with God. Thank Him for the continual access He provides to the Father. Thank Him for the other Christians He has placed in your life. Ask Him to help you fill your role in His church.
ACT: Do something to build a new or better relationship with another Christian at school or church. Get together with a group of Christian friends and plan a new ministry venture or event for your youth group, Bible club or community.