NT Fire Starters – Day 266: Ephesians 1:15-2:10
READ: Ephesians 1:15–2:10
THINK: Sometimes it may seem that in order to get the best opportunities in life you need to know certain people and have the right connections. But God isn’t dependent on other people’s reputations and influence to get you where you need to be. As His child and a follower of Jesus, you represent Him and have the full backing of His power and authority. As you rely on the Holy Spirit, you will be able to endure anything that comes your way and accomplish anything that God intends for you, influencing others for Christ along the way.
RESPOND: In what way do Paul’s prayers for the Ephesians reflect God’s desire for all followers of Christ? (See 1:16-20 note.) According to this passage, what are some of the functions and purposes of the Holy Spirit and what does He reveal to Jesus’ followers? Why do we need God’s power, and what does it provide and accomplish for us? (See 1:19 note.) What do verses 20-22 indicate about Jesus’ authority? In what way is the “fullness” of Christ evident in His church? (See 1:23 note.) What benefits and purposes does the church have as Christ’s “body”? What do the first few verses of chapter 2 indicate about “those who are disobedient” to God and who follow “the ways of the world”? (See 2:2 note.) Why should this give Jesus’ followers a deep sense of compassion for those who do not follow Him? According to verses 4-10, what are the benefits that God’s grace has provided for us? In what way does God’s grace provide for our spiritual salvation apart from any of our own work or efforts? (See 2:9 note.) Why is it vital to understand this? Even though we are not saved by works, in what way are good works still relevant and necessary for Christians? (See 2:10 note.) What purposes can good works serve?
PRAY: Pray for the people you will encounter today who don’t know Jesus. Ask God for the opportunity to share His grace and to help you influence them in a positive way for His honor.
ACT: Show compassion in a practical way to someone who doesn’t know Jesus. This may be through a simple act of kindness, a word of encouragement, a helpful gesture, etc. Perhaps you could invite the person to join you and some friends for an activity that will show them the type of good time those who follow Jesus can have.