NT Fire Starters – Day 263: Galatians 5:16-26
READ: Galatians 5:16-26
THINK: What grows on an apple tree? How about a pear tree? Or a grapevine? The answer is obvious. You know a plant or tree by its fruit. The same is true of people, though they can be a little harder to figure out than trees. But can people figure out who you are by your “fruit”? In other words, can they tell that you follow Christ by observing your life? Do they get an accurate impression of Jesus by the behaviors and character traits you demonstrate? If not, are you displaying another kind of fruit, or any at all? Jesus wants growth in your life to reflect His character, and He wants His love and life to flow through you by the power of His Spirit within you.
RESPOND: What is “the sinful nature”? Why and in what ways is it so opposed to your spiritual life (vv. 17-18)? How would you describe the inner conflict between your sinful human nature and your spirit that has been renewed by Christ? (See 5:17 note.) What does it mean to “live by the Spirit,” and how does that keep you from gratifying the desires of your sinful human nature? What are some of the behaviors of the sinful nature? (See v. 19 and article on the Acts of the Sinful Nature and the fruit of the Spirit, p. 1700.) What do people forfeit when they behave in these ways? (See 5:21 note) What is “the fruit of the Spirit,” and what character traits should be evident in people who are growing spiritually? (See article.) What does it mean that “there is no law” against such things (v. 23)?
PRAY: Ask God to help you make choices that will exercise your faith and strengthen your spirit so that you can consistently overcome the ungodly tendencies of your sinful nature. Pray that you will take advantage of every opportunity to develop Christlike character traits.
ACT: Is there any attitude, behavior or aspect of life in which you consistently give in to your sinful nature and allow it to prevail in the conflict with your spirit? Rely on God to help you “live by the Spirit,” making deliberate choices to behave differently in that aspect of life. Also, look back through the list of spiritual qualities that comprise the “fruit of the Spirit.” Select two of these traits that you often struggle with. Throughout the day, look for opportunities to grow in these areas. Rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance to show you how to respond and rely on His strength to help you think and behave in ways that will reflect Jesus’ life in you.