Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 259: Galatians 3:1-14

READ: Galatians 3:1-14

THINK: Nearly every religion in the world is based on some set of routines, rituals or regulations that attempt to direct people toward a deeper spiritual experience or personal fulfilment. If there is a belief in a “god” of any kind, a religion will spell out the efforts required to approach or appease the “god”. In essence, religion is a human attempt to get to God. But the Christian faith is different. It is based on the fact that God took the initiative toward us, making the way back to Him. Christianity is not about routines, rituals and regulations. Instead, it’s about a personal relationship with the God who created us. In most religions, people can never really relate to God, and the future is never certain. But through Christ, we can know God personally now, and we can be certain of spending eternity with Him.

RESPOND: How does a person receive God’s Spirit as part of their spiritual salvation? (See 3:2 note.) Why can’t we receive the Spirit by our own efforts and routines? What are some of the benefits provided by God’s Spirit that are available to Jesus’ followers? (See 3:5 notes.) How can we tell what specific work of the Holy Spirit certain Bible passages are referring to? (See 3:5 first note.) In what way are people “under a curse” if they try to attain spiritual salvation by following religious rules, regulations and routines. (See 3:10 note.) What does it mean that “the righteous will live by faith” (v. 11), and where does that righteousness come from? (See 3:11 note.) What is “the curse of the law” (v. 13), and how did Christ free us from that curse? (See 3:13 note.)

PRAY: Give God thanks for rescuing you from the curse of your offenses against Him and for all the benefits of His Spirit in your life. Ask God to help you live in a way that demonstrates complete dependence on Him.

ACT: Is there any way in which you are depending on your own strength and efforts to please God as opposed to relying on Him to help you serve His purposes? While God wants you to give your best, make sure that you are trusting Him and allowing Him to stretch your faith. This will likely mean stepping out and doing something you ordinarily would not dare to do on your own.

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