NT Fire Starters – Day 250: 2 Corinthians 7:2-16
READ: 2 Corinthians 7:2-16
THINK: Love is tough. It has to be for all it must endure. In order for your love for Christ to grow stronger and deeper, it will need to be challenged, tested and refined. That requires discipline–exercising it and receiving it when needed. So don’t resent it when those God has placed in your life have to show you some tough love to teach you valuable lessons and spare you from lasting consequences of bad behavior and poor choices. And if God directs you to get tough toward a friend, be true to God and your friend by confronting them with compassion.
RESPOND: In what ways were Paul’s words to the Corinthians both challenging and encouraging? How can you tell that he genuinely loved them? What does this indicate about leaders who authentically care for their people and how such leaders will respond to people? Did Paul’s troubles and fears indicate any problem or lack of faith in his spiritual condition? Why or why not? (See 7:5 note.) What does verse 6 tell us about God’s care and His character? (See 7:6 note.) Why was it good that the Corinthians experienced a degree of sorrow (vv. 9-10)? How does “godly sorrow” (v. 10) differ from other kinds of sorrow and grief? (See 7:10 note.) Why is godly sorrow a good thing? How does godly sorrow lead to repentance, and how does that lead to salvation? Why does genuine, godly sorrow not leave any regrets? What are some other positive results of godly sorrow (v. 11)?
PRAY: Ask God to keep you humble and receptive to challenges and discipline from Him and from godly leaders. Thank Jesus for the times He has allowed you to sense sorrow for things that needed to change in your life. Thank Him for the opportunity to serve Him without regrets.
ACT: Thank someone who loves you enough to have given you a tough challenge or word of correction in the past.