Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 226: 1 Corinthians 1:1-31

READ: 1 Corinthians 1:1–31

THINK: No church is perfect. Most have issues of some sort, and the Corinthian church was no exception. They had cliques, contentions and misunderstandings of how to use their God-given gifts to serve Him and enrich one another. Still, God was working through them, having gifted them with all they needed to serve His purposes (see 1:7 note). Perhaps you feel that your church or group is lacking in some way. But understand that God has placed you exactly where you need to be to learn, grow and stretch your faith. In addition, He’s given your group–through its people–all the abilities needed to pursue God’s purposes at this time and place. Humbly do your part, while encouraging others and praying that all of you will work together to reach your part of the world for Christ.

RESPOND: What does it mean to be sanctified (i.e., set apart for God’s purposes) and “holy”? (See 1:2 note.) How is your life enriched by your relationship with Jesus (v. 5)? What is a “spiritual gift”? (See 1:7 first note.) What does it mean that they were waiting eagerly for the Lord to be revealed? (See 1:7 second note.) What has God called you to do in regard to His Son, Jesus (v. 9), and how will this help you remain strong? (See 1:9 note.) When Paul talked about having no divisions and “being perfectly united in mind and thought,” did he mean that Christians should always agree and have the same opinions? Why or why not? Why were the Corinthians quarrelling? (See 11:12 note.) What problems arise when Christians get too attached to leaders and follow people more than Christ? What does it mean that “the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,” but the power of God to those “who are being saved”? (See 1:18 note.) Why is worldly wisdom like foolishness to God? (See 1:20 note.) What does Paul mean when he refers to “the foolishness of what was preached”? (See 1:21 note.) What do verses 25-29 indicate about how God’s values compare to the world’s, and why is this an encouragement to many people? (See 1:27 and 1:28 notes.) What does it mean that “Jesus…has become for us wisdom from God”? (See 1:30 note.)

PRAY: Ask God to help you keep your eyes on Him and never to put loyalties to leaders ahead of Christ.

ACT: If you’re struggling with attitudes about your church or individuals in your group, ask God to help you understand and appreciate how all the people have been uniquely put together to build each other up and accomplish His purposes. Consider how you can grow in your faith right where you are, particularly through difficult issues. Make sure that you’re not depending on one of your leaders more than Jesus. See Glossary of terms, beginning on p. 2265 for practical definitions to many terms, such as those used in verse 30.).

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