Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 222: Romans 12:17-13:14

READ: Romans 12:17–13:14

THINK: Are you interested or involved in government? God isn’t necessarily asking you to seve on a political campaign or to support one party over another. But He does want you to be involved in the sense of conducting yourself respectfully toward authorities and, more importantly, by being faithful to pray for those in leadership over you.

RESPOND: Why is it important–especially for Jesus’ followers–not to repay evil for evil (v. 17)? What does it mean that we should try to “live at peace with everyone”? (See 12:18 note.) Does this mean that you must sometimes compromise Christian values and principles in order to get along with others? Why or why not? How does God’s vengeance differ from human revenge? (See 12:19 note.) What influence can you have on those who oppose you by doing good to them (v. 20; see Proverbs 25:21-22 note.)? What does it mean to “submit… to the governing authorities” (13:1), why is this important (cf. v. 2), and what are the exceptions to this command? (See 13:1 note.) What’s the proper function of government, and what happens when governments abandon this? Is it against Biblical principles for governments to sometimes use force to maintain appropriate order in society? Why or why not? (See 13:4 note.) What should a Christian’s attitude be toward debt? (See 13:8 note.) In what way does loving others as ourselves sum up and fulfill the entire law (v. 10)? Though love is positive, what types of restrictions does it put on people’s behaviors? (See 13:10 note.) In what ways might Christians sometimes use their rights and freedoms in a way that might mislead, confuse or harm others? What is Paul referring to when he says, “the night is nearly over…,” and why is it important to keep this in mind? (See 13:12 note.) What does it mean to “clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ”? (See 13:14 note.)

PRAY: Ask Jesus to help you be a person of peace in your relationships and associations with others. Pray for individuals in all levels of government, that they’ll lead with wisdom and that they’ll come to know Christ if they don’t already.

ACT: If you’re currently experiencing conflict with anyone, be the peace-maker and try to settle the issue by making an apology, conceding to the other person’s preferences, showing kindness, etc. If you have time, send a letter or e-mail to your mayor, congressional representative or senator, letting them know that you are praying for them.

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