Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 219: Romans 11:1-24

READ: Romans 11:1-24

THINK: Many people would like for God to prove himself to them. If only He gave some kind of sign they’d vow to believe and follow His plan without question. But history has persistently proven that people will fail to acknowledge God, regardless of what He shows them. Israel is a prime example. Through the ages, God unveiled His plan of salvation through them. As God’s chosen people they received His law, heard His prophets and experienced His miracles. To this day we look to several of their ancestors as our examples of faith. But Israel still had a choice of how to respond to their God-given privileges and purposes. Consequently, most eventually rejected God and later failed to recognize Jesus as His Son. But Israel is no exception. Despite God’s revelations throughout history and through His Word, people of all nationalities and walks of life still choose to remain rebels against God. Yet, His gracious offer of spiritual salvation stands, and all who accept and live by it receive the relationship with God that He’s always intended for His chosen people–that is, those who have chosen to take their place in God’s kingdom.

RESPOND: Did God completely reject the people of Israel who rejected Him? Why or why not? (See 11:1 note.) What does it mean to be “chosen by grace”? (See 11:5 note.) How did Israel’s rejection of Jesus result in salvation being made available to all people? (See 11:11 note.) In what way and for what reason did Paul want his fellow Israelites to “envy” him? (See 11:14 note.) What should be the attitude and hope of all Christians for the nation of Israel? Why are people “broken off” or excluded from a relationship with God? (See 11:20 note.) How are people “grafted” (v. 20) into a relationship with God? What attitude should you have about your relationship with Jesus? Considering how often God’s Word says, “Do not fear” or “Do not be afraid,” why would He say in verse 20, “Do not be arrogant, but be afraid”? Why must we consider both God’s kindness (v. 22) and His sternness? What does it mean to “continue in his [God’s] kindness,” and how do you do this? (See 11:22 note.) What can happen if you do not do this?

PRAY: Give God thanks for your spiritual salvation and for making a place for you in His kingdom. Pray for the nation of Israel, for peace and salvation of Jewish people who have yet to recognize and receive Jesus as Savior.

ACT: Go to an online news source or somewhere you could access information on current events pertaining to Israel. Pray for the situation described in these news stories. Also, read the article on Israel in God’s Plan of Salvation, p. 1602.

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