NT Fire Starters – Day 215: Romans 8:1-17
READ: Romans 8:1-17
THINK: Most crime, destruction, depression and other ills in society could probably be traced to a persistent sense of guilt and regret in individual’s lives. If only more people understood that they could truly be forgiven, freed from guilt and given a fresh start. That’s the power of Jesus’ love to change individuals, communities, societies and the world.
RESPOND: What does it mean to be “in Christ”? (See 8:1 note.) What are some benefits of being in Christ? What is “the law of the Spirit of life” and how does it free believers from the law of sin and death? (See 8:2 note.) What does it mean that “the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us” (v. 4) and how did Jesus’ sacrifice make that possible? (See 8:4 note.) What’s the difference between living “according to the sinful nature” and living “according to the Spirit” (v. 4)? (See 8:5-14 note.) Can a person follow their sinful nature and the Holy Spirit at the same time? Why or why not? (See 8:5-14 note, sub-point 3.) Who has the Holy Spirit living in them and how does that affect their lives? (See 8:9 note.) What does it mean that, “your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness”? (See 8:10 note.) How do you “put to death the misdeeds of the body”? (See 8:13 note.) What’s it like to be “led by the Spirit of God”? (See 8:14 note.) If you follow the Spirit, what is your relationship with God the Father? (See 8:13-14 note.) How do you know that you are God’s child? (See 8:16 note.) What does it mean to be “heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ” (v. 17)? As a follower of Jesus, what things do you and will you share with Him? (See 8:17 note.)
PRAY: Thank Jesus for freedom from guilt, for the presence of the Holy Spirit, for power over sin, and for strength to do right. Thank the Father for accepting you as His child and for giving you an eternal inheritance with Jesus.
ACT: If you’re struggling with guilt from past experiences or present temptations, consider the great lengths to which Jesus went to provide forgiveness and victory over those things. Don’t neglect His gift. It was enough to remove your guilt. Move on in the Father’s love and the Holy Spirit’s power. Make sure you’re not following or feeding your sinful human nature by entertaining certain thoughts or behaviors. Instead, focus on attitudes and actions that feed and strengthen your spirit. For added encouragement, read the article on Assurance of Salvation, p. 1889.