Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 209: Romans 4:1-25

READ: Romans 4:1-25

THINK: What was it about Abraham’s faith that was so outstanding? It had little to do with Abraham and everything to do with God. Abraham was fully persuaded that God had the ability to fulfill His promise, despite the circumstances. You see, it’s one thing to believe in God’s ability–the fact that He can do anything–but it’s another thing to trust that He actually will do anything He promises. Do you take God at His Word to the point of proving your faith by actions?

RESPOND: Why was Abraham credited with being righteous–in right relationship with God? (See 4:3 note.) How is faith linked to righteousness? (See 4:5 note.) How does faith allow a person to enter and maintain a right relationship with God? Why can’t we work for or earn a right relationship with God? In what way is Abraham the “father” of all who are faithful to God? (See 4:17 note) In what way does God’s law bring God’s wrath and judgment (v. 15)? What is the promise that comes by faith? (See 4:16 first note.) What are the traits of true saving faith? How would you describe God’s grace, and how it relates to spiritual salvation? (See 4:16 second note.) What does verse 17 indicate about God’s character and power, and how does this relate to Abraham’s personal experience in trusting God (vv. 18-21)? (See 4:17 note.) According to verses 21-22, why was Abraham’s faith “credited to him as righteousness”? (See 4:22 note.) How does Abraham’s example challenge and apply to your life (vv. 23-24)? How does Jesus’ life provide “for our justification,” and how does this apply to believers’ lives on an ongoing basis? (See 4:25 note.)

PRAY: Give God thanks for His grace–His unmerited favor, unearned benefits and undeserved love–that made spiritual salvation available to you. Ask Jesus to strengthen your faith and to help you trust not only in His ability, but also in His promises, so that you always take God at His Word and rely on Him in all circumstances.

ACT: Sometime today, read the article on Faith and Grace, p. 1590, to gain insight on how a person receives and enters a right relationship with God. Also, consider the decisions you are currently facing or will soon face. In each of these situations, exercise your faith and make the choice that best reflects your trust in Jesus.

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