NT Fire Starters – Day 203: Acts 28:1-16
READ: Acts 28:1-16
THINK: Are you ready for God to use you without even a moment’s notice? Would you be prepared for Him to work powerfully through you in even the most unsuitable circumstances? Are you close enough to Jesus that His power flows through you almost automatically? Are you so in tune with His desires that you can sense what, when and where He wants you to do something that will unquestionably bring honor to Him? That’s how Paul lived. How about you?
RESPOND: Why did the islanders go from thinking Paul was a murderer to thinking he was a god (vv. 3-7)? What does this reveal about their beliefs? Why didn’t Paul suffer any ill effects from the snake bite? (See 28:5 note.) What do the events at Publius’ estate indicate about Paul’s readiness to do God’s work (vv. 7-9)? In what way does this challenge you personally? Do you think you’re prepared to minister in any situation? Why or why not? What would it take for you to become prepared? For Paul, what was one of the most encouraging aspects of reaching Rome (vv. 14-15)? How does being with other Christians encourage you? Are people typically encouraged by spending time with you? Why or why not? How can you be more encouraging? What do Paul’s experiences on the way to Rome show you about God’s plan and what you may go through as you follow it? (See 28:16 note.)
PRAY: Ask God to help you become better prepared to serve His purposes in all situations at all times. Pray that you grow closer to Him and more sensitive to His direction in the process. Ask God to make you an encouragement to the people you are around every day–those who follow Jesus and those who don’t.
ACT: Ask God to open your eyes spiritually so you can recognize all of the opportunities He gives you throughout the day to offer encouragement, help, healing and to outright talk about Jesus. Boldly act on each of these opportunities, trusting God to use you to influence as many people as possible for Him. Conduct yourself in such a way (including your attitude) that everyone who comes in contact with you has a positive, uplifting experience.