Ministry Resources

NT Fire Starters – Day 199: Acts 26:2-18

READ: Acts 26:2-18

THINK: If you’ve followed Jesus for a while, chances are you’ve heard powerful testimonies of how God used admittedly unlikely mouthpieces to dramatically influence others to accept Christ–sometimes changing entire schools or communities. Hearing stories like that, it’s easy to envy those involved and to wonder what it would be like to be used by God in an extraordinary way. But these kinds of results typically came at a price–a price that included the boldness to step out at some point and start a tough conversation. Those who make a habit of speaking boldly and compassionately about God will eventually be part of something supernatural.

RESPOND: What was the “hope in what God promised our fathers” (v. 6) for which Paul was on trial? As radical as Paul had been in persecuting Jesus’ followers, what does his dramatic life-transformation prove? What did it take to turn Paul’s life around? What evidence have you seen of God’s life-transforming power? To whom had God sent Paul and why (v. 17)? What effects does Jesus desire from the preaching of His message to spiritually lost people? (See 26:18 note.) In what way does God open people’s eyes and “turn them from darkness to light” (v. 18)? In what way are spiritually lost people under Satan’s power, and how does Jesus’ message turn people “from the power of Satan to God” (v. 18)? What does it mean that Jesus’ followers are “sanctified by faith in me [Jesus]” (v. 18)?

PRAY: Pray for people you know who seem far from God or are opposed to Jesus. Ask God to transform their lives and to use you in the process. Pray that whenever Jesus’ message is presented through the ministries of your church– or through you personally–it has the intended effects in people’s lives, bringing hope, inspiration, healing and life.

ACT: Look for people who have made it fairly obvious that they don’t follow Jesus. Though you can’t typically judge by appearances, you may be familiar with their views toward God or Christianity. Even things like shirts or jewelry with distinct messages can reveal basic interests or beliefs. Initiate conversation with a couple of these individuals about what they believe and why. Don’t be arrogant, accusatory or argumentative. Instead, convey genuine interest in their views. Don’t press for further response unless things naturally progress that way. Exercises like these require a bold step, but they stretch your faith and help you become accustomed to talking about spiritual issues, faith and Jesus in a variety of situations. Doing this a time or two can take you to a whole new level of spiritual boldness.

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