NT Fire Starters – Day 190: Acts 20:27-38
READ: Acts 20:27-38
THINK: Church ministry is serious business. That doesn’t mean we should approach it with a sour or stuffy attitude or that we shouldn’t use humor or creative communication. But we must fulfill our roles of service in the church with great passion, intensity and devotion because Jesus gave His life to save people and to make them part of His Church. The Church is His primary enterprise and channel for reaching a lost world with His message of hope and new life. You must also stay sober about the fact that some will try to infiltrate churches to deceive their people and destroy their work. For these reasons, you must be seriously devoted to knowing God and living by His Word.
RESPOND: In what ways must you keep watch over yourself spiritually (v. 28)? How can you help keep watch over others? To whom is Paul primarily talking in this passage? (See 20:28 note.) What does it mean to be a shepherd of the church (v. 28)? Why is it so important to take church ministry seriously? Who are the “savage wolves” that come into the church, what motivates them, and what do they do? (See 20:29 note.) Why is it so important for leaders and people in the church to take this warning seriously? (See 20:31 note.) How can you stay “on your guard” against deceptive ideas and direction? What can sincere ministry leaders do to guard their people? What was one thing Paul did (or did not do) that demonstrated pure motives? (See 20:23 note.) How was Paul’s work an example to all those who serve in the church (v. 35)? In what ways is it “more blessed to give than to receive”?
PRAY: Ask the Holy Spirit to help you guard yourself spiritually as you are faithful to God’s Word and to His plans for you. Ask Him for discernment to recognize deceptive ideas and individuals. Pray for your church leaders, that they will remain true to God’s Word and will have wisdom in guarding God’s people.
ACT: If you’re involved in a church ministry, take time today to invest in that ministry by practicing your gifts, planning future events, making contacts, etc. If you’re not actively involved in ministry, find a place of service right away. Talk to a pastor or ministry leader for direction. See the article on Campus Missions Commitment to Serve, 1276. Also see pp. 2276-2278 of the Campus Missions Training Helps section for advice in finding a way to serve through your church.